The Ocean

The Ocean

This is a sketch of the ocean where Edna has her awakening. It is also where she decides to end her life. It is ironic that both of these events happened in the same place.

Suicide Letter

I do not know where to begin with this exactly. I guess I can start by saying that I love my children. My children are my everything, and I would not trade them for the world. Even though I may not have always been the perfect mother, I do love them dearly. As much as i love my children though, I would never give up myself, my personality, for them. Second, I would like to say that I love you Robert. I really do love you. However, I can not simply give myself away again because I have just gained my independence. I can not imagine being someone else’s possession again. This is perhaps why I had an affair with Alcee; I knew in my heart he was simply a friend. Robert, you made me realize that that I do not have to conform to being a daughter, a wife, or a mother; you made me realize that I can be my own person. So, in being my own person who is not a possession of anyone but myself, I simply can not pursue a relationship with you. I am terribly sorry.So, I am sure whoever reading this will want to know why I did it. Why I killed myself. Well I did it because I refuse to conform to the society in which I live. As a part of that society, I am supposed to be a motherly figure, and also I am supposed to have little control or ruling over my life. So, that was why I ended it, i did not want to conform or deal with the consequences of not conforming. However, in this society I had the power to do one thing with my life and that was to preserve or destruct my life. I chose to destroy mine. 


Love Always,


A Letter To My “Wife”


It has come to my understanding that you have moved out of our home on Esplanade Street. This very much angers me. Do you think you can do this to me without telling me first?! Or, without talking this over with me?! What are people going to think when they see you have moved out? Yeah, they are going to think we are having money or financial issues. They will think I do not have the money to support a wife. Clearly you did not take into consideration how much this could harm me socially. The whole town will think I am having money issues and you know that is not true! Because of this, I have had to come up with a believable story to set things straight.  I have arranged for the home to be remodeled, and will be having  a series of expensive revisions done to the house. Then, people will know money is not an issue with the Pontelliers. Also, I am telling everyone that we will be going on a little holiday getaway while our home is being remodeled. So, if you could, follow along with this story.  You have already caused me enough harm socially, mentally, emotionally, physically and I do not need any more. I just do not see how you think you will be able to manage your life on your own. Who are you to be thinking that you can live on your own!!!? For Christ sakes, you can not even clean the house, or be a respectable mother to your children, let alone live by yourself. This is a foolish decision, and it goes to show how irresponsible you are. Do not think once that I support this decision or stand behind it in any way.

P.S. I don’t think that I am unaware of your little affair you had with Alcee.



Diary of Rediscovering One’s Self

Dear Diary,

I have realized many new things about myself during this period of living somewhat independently. First, I have once again developed a love for horse races that  I used to attend with my father. I love the thrill of the race and the thrill of the bets in which I participate in. Also, it serves as a way for me to communicate with people such as Alcee Arodin. He really is a sweet and caring man. He came over the other day for supper and we had a great time.  Unlike my thoughts and feelings, he seems to be very serious about our relationship together. This makes me feel as if I am breaking the love I feel for Robert. Love is much stronger than marriage in my opinion. However, I do love my husband and children, just in a different way that I love Robert. During the days, I have been walking through the gardens and our home. In doing so, I have begun to really think and reevaluate my life. I have realized that I have been something my whole life. Whether it be a daughter, wife, or mother; I have always had a specific role to focus on. However, I have never had time to focus on myself or my happiness. I have always lived life for other people, and not for myself. This means I have never had time to develop my own personality and my own character. Who I have been has been based on who I was living my life for. I really never wanted to be the domestically responsible, mother that my husband always told me to be. I wanted to be my own woman who had her own dreams and goals in life. I would love to get up and face the world with this mindset, but it contradicts everything in which the society I live in believes. But in the end, I must do what satisfies me and makes me happy.


Crazy Wife, Confused Husband

Dear Abby,

My wife has gone crazy. It all started when she started to associate herself with a man named Robert. She met him over the summer on our vacation. Robert’s family, the Lebrun’s, owned the cottage that we rented out on Grand Isle, and they became really close during the summer. However, this abruptly ended when he left suddenly to go to Mexico. During the time that they were seeing each other, she started to lose her mother-like personality. No longer was she as connected to the children, and no longer was she completing her domestic responsibilities. However, after he left and we returned home, she continued the same non-motherly attitude, and also she began to act as if the money we have was not appreciated. Every Tuesday we have guests come to our house, and she begun to leave during those hours for no apparent reason. Also, she tells me that I am too extravagant, and spend too much money. However, I just like furnishing my home with the finest things. Now, she is completely ignoring all her social and domestic duties that I have asked of her. Instead, she paints. I have given up fighting her to get her to do what I ask because it does not seem to be working. I am afraid she might be mentally ill, and I am demanding knowledge on what could be wrong with her. Any advice you have for me would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.


The End to a Hopeful Summer

Dear Diary,

Today, I found out Robert will be leaving me later tonight to go to Mexico. I wish this news did not come so suddenly, because it is a lot to take in. I did know he had future plans to depart to Mexico, but I did not know the future would come so suddenly. He did not mention anything to me earlier today when we were together. I am very disappointed that Robert is leaving me. This summer has been great with him, and I would not have traded for the world. We connected so well, and i was always so happy when I was with him. He has made me so happy that I have started painting again like I used to do in my youth. He has helped me realize my potential as an independent woman. I have come to the point where when I am with Leonce, I am wishing I was with Robert.  I desperately want to know why he is leaving me. Was it something that I did? Or, was it something that I said? Is there another girl that he is chasing after? I have asked myself these questions many times. I have even asked my friends and they say they know nothing. Either that, or they are hiding the truth from me. I just wish I knew why Robert, my love,  is leaving me.

A Woman Desperately Seeking Advice

Dear Abby,

I am a mother of two beautiful children. They are close in age, one being four years of age, and one being five. My family and I are currently vacationing on Grand Isle. Lately, my nurse has been doing a great deal with taking care of my children. I do not feel as if i am attached to the children as a mother. My husband has confronted me many times about me not directly being involved in the children’s lives, and also about my failure to take care of all the domestic chores. However, I am doing the best that I can. My friend Adele is a wonderful mother and I admire her motherly instincts. She puts her family and husband first in her life. She is also dedicated to her domestic responsibilities as a woman. I feel as if should improve on putting my family first and my domestic responsibilities, but it is challenging when i very much enjoy drawing, painting, and spending time with Robert.

Then, I also admire the relationship Adele shares with her husband.  My husband, Leonce, and I do indeed share a love for each other however, he is always gone and never at home. Sometimes he will be out late;  the other night he went to Klein’s hotel to play pool with his friends and did not get back until i was already asleep. However, do not get me wrong, he does treat me very well. He showers me in gifts and nice things all the time. For Example, the other night he brought me back candy and wine for us to share in a great gift basket. Also, i understand that being gone a lot is part of his work and I should respect that. However, whenever my husband is not there, Robert is. I can be myself around him, and I enjoy swimming with him in the ocean.  Robert seems to have always been by my side this summer, and I am grateful for his companionship from him. He helps me with things, and even seems to enjoy playing with the children.

I am a very reserved person and I find it challenging for me to fit in to the Creole society, so it it hard to talk about these things with my friends or family. Your help would be greatly appreciated.
